The striking labourers of the bPutilov/b factories join them. On the next day more demonstrations take place on which slogans are exclaimed as "Stop the war" and "Stop autocracy". On Februari 25 a general strike breaks loose in Petrograd. b...../b They went on bvacation/b together, by private trains to the south. When they opened their curtains, they could see how the Ukrainian farmers died from the organized famine. context. Introduction ? The Reds and the Whites b.../b
The striking labourers of the bPutilov/b factories join them. On the next day more demonstrations take place on which slogans are exclaimed as "Stop the war" and "Stop autocracy". On Februari 25 a general strike breaks loose in Petrograd. b.../b
1975 Allegro bEstate/b, 1978 Allegro 2 1300. Allegro 3 (1979/1983). Van 1980 tot 1983 ook verkrijgbaar met een A-plus motor van de A-serie(948cc). Verder waren er nog enkele kleine wijzigingen doch om het model te redden was het te laat. b.../b